This making art stuff isn’t easy. Once you have mastered your tools, all that’s left to focus on is you, the artist. That’s the space that is lonely and filled with doubt. Making art is like being in therapy three times a week, with your therapist on speed dial. The process is filled with self-examination. Questions arise. What is it I really have to say? Does anyone care? Do I matter? Anyone making art contributes their own flavor to a creative stew. Some add the spice, some add the stock that holds everything together and some add the garnish. All are essential to a rich and satisfying meal. Pretty art may be considered the garnish, trite and superficial. But is it? During a 5-star dining experience, the visual is just as important as the taste. Pretty becomes the lure for you to pick up your fork and taste, to dive deeper into the complexity of the dish. I may be putting my head on the chopping block, but I make pretty art. Not superficial or trite art, but art that uses pretty to draw you in. Ultimately, I want you to be seduced by my images, then astonished by nature’s magical and transformative beauty. The challenging part of navigating my artistic journey is to stay true to who I am as an artist and not be swayed by the flavor of the moment. Provocative, edgy art seems to be the current flavor. I’ve seen enough disturbing art that my antacids are always within reach. Let’s not let pretty get a bad rap. Where would we be without pretty? I don’t want to be in a world that considers a sunset trite, or a rainbow hokey, or the morning light on the ebbing tide, banal.
Self-analysis is crucial in the art making process, but giving yourself permission to be authentically you, is paramount. Gotta run, there’s a rainbow hovering over my meadow. Live in color, Abby
MUSINGSAn image alone sometimes feels insufficient, that’s where Musings come in. A space where words and images come together to tell the story. MAILING LISTI promise not to sell, rent, or share your email address with anyone. Ever.
November 2024